Please visit and you can see how Savannah is doing and what are family is up to!!
Savannah Smiles
You want to do something beautiful for God, there is a human being that needs you.....this is your chance.
Mother Teresa
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Correction on Blog address..
I wanted to let everyone know that our family blog address that I gave you is giving us some issues and my son Corey is working on it but until that is fixed we have a temporary blog at:
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Back to family blog..
to update on what is going on in our family. Please visit and comment. We would love for everyone to keep updated how Savannah is doing and how are family is 6 months we will be a family of 8!!!!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Finally an update on our trip!!!
I am so sorry this took so long!! Could not update in China because I forgot to down load information I needed to over ride the blocks...sorry! I did update through an email to those addresses I had which included pictures from Snap Fish. You will have to sign up for an account if you don't have one to view the pictures. Let me say it is so worth it. I will also add the text email messages I sent out for those who want to read them. So here I go:
May 20th:
We wanted to connect with all of you to let you know that we made it to China. We got in around midnight China time and around 11 am Friday time. I just checked and at this point I cannot update the blog...:(. I have no pictures but we did meet another family who is adopting their 2.5 year old son. They came with us from Chicago. They are staying in the Whte Swan and we are in the Victory. Their son is from Guangdong province so they remain here while we go on to Wuhan tomorrow. Sierra is so excited. We are doing well with the time change being we got some sleep last night. We are so looking forward to meeting Savannah on Monday.....only two more days and she will be with her family...I wonder what she is thinking? Please pray for all of us as that time nears...especially for Savannah!! Talk to you soon!!
May 21st:
I promised pictures from today....check out the link below. I am not sure if you have to sign up but please do!! This might be the only way I can share pictures!! Today was wonderful, emotional, and tear jerking!! We were at Sierra's orphanage for around 3 hours. We got to spend time with the children....Sierra even made a new friend. Mike and I are praying about sponsoring the precious little girl who will never be adopted. She was placed in the orphanage due to mental issues with her biological parents. So Chinese laws are sad because unless they die ishe cannot be adopted. It is so scarey to think of what her life will be like after she ages out of the orphanage. It breaks my heart. I guess anyone who walks in an orphanage is changed and more aware of what reality of life is about..... |
May 22:
We made it to Wuhan today. We met Miley's Dad friend today and his daughter. Very very nice man. He is the one who paid for our beautiful hotel in Wuhan. It amazes me the love of people through out the world for our little girl. I have to say today it played on my sensory issues. The airport was crowded and to get to our plane they took us by shuttle but I would say they packed us like sardines into a bus and transported us for about 5 minutes but it felt like an hour. Then we had to climb two flights of stairs to aboard the plane. It was very humid and very unconfortable the entire way...............I know I am complaining but oh my gosh we have it good in America. Then when we got to Wuhan we had to board another shuttle or sardine bus and was transported back to the terminal.............When I got in there I looked at Mike and said now that was an over sensory stimulating situation. Hoping we don't have to do that on our flight back to Guangzhou!! Well the big day is tomorow!! Mike and I are feeling the jet lag today because after dinner we both feel asleep on the beds while Sierra finished eatting and cleaned up. She is so awesome! I am wondering what Savannah is thinking. I hope if their is fear that she is also having some hope and excitement. I just have to say both our girls are brave...........I mean I complained above about being a sardine and look what Savannah has to go through about sensory overload!!! It brings back memories of Sierra's Gotcha Day...she was so scared but so brave too!! Please pray for her as she makes a huge transition tomorrow!! Blessings to you all!! May 23: She is so beautiful!! She was so excited to meet us that she asked to go to the Civil Affairs office early. She and Sierra have hit off right away. She loved riding the esclators at the mall. She loves her American Girl doll!! She played string beads with Sierra. They have been laughing and running around together. The bank was a long wait but both girls did great. I just hope this remains. I do know God has been with all of us and we are so thankful for that! The prayers are working and we are so blessed to have each of your in our lives!!! Here is the link: Correct link:\
More pictures from East Lake: May 27th Yellow Crane Tower: We ended our week with a wonderful trip to the Yellow Crane Tower. Miley's dad's friend paid for our stay in Wuhan and if that was not enough he paid for our trip to the Yellow Crane Tower and to lunch. His daughter was our guide and she is so sweet. We had a wonderful time even though the temps went up higher that day. It is around 6 floors high and yes only steps. We made it to the top floor. The actual top floor was closed from visitors. So we went as high as we could. You can see Savannah's orphanage from there. I remember standing there two years ago......wishing things were different. Yes, Corey and I went there after the decision not to adopt Mei Mei was made. It felt good to take our God given daughter up there. Even though the girls would be 6 or 10 steps ahead of us. Once again we enountered a man with special needs. This man was without hands. He was a beggar. I wanted so bad to put 100 RMB in his can but we were warned not to because many others might "jump" us too. I felt so bad to leave him there. This visit was a true heart opener. This adoption has touched my heart very very deeply. Do I want to adopt again,......NO....we are done. I promise you that. BUT I do promise you that I want to do more for the oprhaned and forgotten in China. Sierra's orphanage wrote us again and said they are looking forward to our visit. I would love to get a large group....around 6-10 people who wants to join me next summer for one week at Huiyang SWI. I am not sure about country clearances but I will find all that out......and then we can begin to fundraiser and find sponsers who want to help us to help the fatherless. After our visit to the Yellow Crane Tower we went to lunch at the Western Resturant which gave each group their own private awesome to be able to connect in such an intimate environment. Miley's friend ordered for us. The food was so good.and whatever I said about Chinese food.........this trip both by Huiyang SWI and in Wuhan.......AWESOME!!! I think I could do this easily.........well for a week or two......the blocks are driving me nuts!! I am talking about the internet blocks!! Anyway,, Savannah's first plane ride went well. She loves to fly but still hates to drive places...that is good because a 12 hour flight is not good if you don't like to fly!!! She did scream on take off and on landing but she is a girl........:) Pictures of the Yellow Crane Tower: May 28th: |
Monday, May 16, 2011
Counting the days down....
I am making lists and making new lists. It truly helps when your head is overwhelmed with so many things to do. We are so excited to know that in three days we will be heading to pick up our daughter. Sierra is so excited!! She is talking non stop and she is just cannot wait to see her home land and to meet her sister. I feel so at peace about all this.....oh don't get me wrong my stomach is in knots but I know why things happened as they did....God does have a plan...bottom line. Many people can question but with the Faith and belief God directs you to where he wants you to be. Do I think this is going to be easy NO...but mostly it will be difficult for Savannah. She is the one giving up...."home", friends, languange, food, comfort (even if we think life in a family is better.....when it is all you know it is comfort), smells, and many other things. Please pray that she is strong and that everyone who gets to meet this precious child remembers what she is giving up and how she is feeling. This is not about us getting a daughter(even though I am excited about that). This is about Savannah adjusting to her new life and to her new family. So please pray for her and for our family so we can be who she needs us to be...patient, understanding, compassionate, caring, patient, loving, forgiving, hopeful, faithful, but most of all......Patient. I believe in I don't know her but God does and God has been directing all of this......and he knows how much she needs us.......even though we fail....I believe with prayers, hope, faith and most important love we can give her all that she needs but most of all...all that she deserves through the stength of Christ. 3 more days!!!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
50% off Sisterly Love Garage Sale..
We are having another Garage Sale this weekend with all items at 50% off and includes the refrig, stove, and two dishwashers.......they are now priced as: refrig 50.00, stove 35.00, dishwashers at 25.00 each!!! We are doing this as well as packing and repacking this weekend!!
We have been talking to Ann at Red Thread and she is setting us up so that we can visit Sierra's orphanage when we first get to China. She has been such a wonderful help and cannot wait to meet her in person!
It is amazing how God puts it all just believing, relaxing, and keeping the Hope alive through Faith!!
We have been talking to Ann at Red Thread and she is setting us up so that we can visit Sierra's orphanage when we first get to China. She has been such a wonderful help and cannot wait to meet her in person!
It is amazing how God puts it all just believing, relaxing, and keeping the Hope alive through Faith!!
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